Sunday, October 6, 2019

Personal Strengths, areas to develop more fully, 2 important Statement - 1

Strengths, areas to develop more fully, 2 important accomplishments - Personal Statement Example e grouped into four categories: social competence, problem solving, autonomy, and sense of purpose, which recent studies believed to transcend borders and cultures. Social competence or interpersonal intelligence, such as responsiveness, communication, empathy and caring, and compassion, altruism and forgiveness, is the ability to form positive relationship with others. Problem-solving skills or good intellectual functioning, which involves planning, flexibility, resourcefulness, and critical thinking and insight, is the ability to figure things out and find a solution to it. Autonomy, constituted of positive identity, internal locus of control and initiative, self-efficacy and mastery, adaptive distancing and resistance, self-awareness and mindfulness, and humor, is the ability to act independently and to take control of one’s own life. And, a sense of purpose, which includes goal direction, achievement motivation, and educational aspirations, special interest, creativity, an d imagination, optimism and hope, and faith, spirituality and sense of meaning, is the belief that one lives not only to breathe but to fulfill a mission. (13-35) Assessing my strengths based on the four categories stated above, I think I have strengths in all of them, specifically communication, planning, resourcefulness, critical thinking, self-efficacy and mastery, goal direction, and optimism. These aggregate of strengths help me reach my position today. However, there are areas that I have to develop more fully to further my success in life and to achieve satisfaction. Most of these fall on the category of sense of purpose. One of these is educational aspirations. This is so because though I am achievement motivated, I did not bother to further my studies. In fact, from being a market analyst of a multinational company, I have progressed to regional manager in a matter of six years, yet I lack post-graduate and relevant special studies as well to further my career. I think taking a

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